
Here, usage and efficacy of AugmentedPCA models is demonstrated on real world, open-source datasets.

SAPCA Example - Gene Expression Clustering

The ability of SAPCA to create representations with greater class fidelity is demonstrated using a gene expression dataset from the UCI machine learning repository. This dataset contains RNA-Seq gene expression samples from patients with five different typesof tumors. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, are often used in gene expression analysis to visualize clustering of samples in 2-dimensional(2D) space or as a preprocessing step for downstream classification. However, sometimes principal axes of variance may represent patient-specific gene expression variance rather than variance specific to condition or disease. Here, SAPCA is used to create representations that, in addition to representing the variance in the gene expression data, are aligned with the data labels.

First, Python functions, modules, and libraries used in this example are imported.

# Import functions, modules, and libraries
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Next, AugmentedPCA factor models are imported from the apca.models module.

# Import AugmentedPCA models
from apca.models import *

Gene expression data is loaded and formatted into a matrix X, where each row represents a different tumor gene expression sample and each column represents a different gene. Labels are store in an array and tumor samples are assigned an integer label of either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Labels are then one-hot encoded to create a matrix Y of augmenting supervision data.

# Display data dimensionality
print('Cancer gene expression dataset dimensions:')
print('  Gene expression data:  (%d, %d)' % (X.shape))
print('  Supervision data:  (%d, %d)' % (Y.shape))
print('  Labels:  (%d,)' % (y.shape))

>>> Cancer gene expression dataset dimensions:
>>>   Gene expression data:  (801, 20531)
>>>   Supervision data:  (801, 5)
>>>   Labels:  (801,)

Instead of using all gene expression data, only a subset of the gene expression data will be used. This is because the process of fitting AugmentedPCA models require matrix inversions as well as eigendecompositions. This process gets prohibitively expensive for larger feature dimensions. Thus, it is recommended to keep the feature dimensions to around ~1,000 features, give or take.

Next, scikit-learn’s train_test_split() function is used to split the data into train and test splits (roughly 50% and 50% of the data, respectively).

# Subset of original data
X_subset = X[:, :2000]

# Split data
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_subset,

Gene expression training features are scaled such that each feature has mean zero and unit variance. Then, test data is scaled according to the population statistics of the training features. Supervision data isn’t scaled since the data is one-hot encodings.

# Instantiate standard scaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

# Scale gene expression data
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

For evaluating the classification performance achieved using AugmentedPCA components, a simple logistic regression classifier with no penalty is used, since only two components will be used for prediction.

# Instantiate logistic regression model
model = LogisticRegression(penalty='none',

Now, two PCA components of the decomposed gene expression data is used to predict tumor type. Logistic regression only achieves 71% accuracy on the test set. This is because PCA finds independent sets of features (orthogonal components) that maximize the explained variance of the data. If the majority of the variance of the gene expression data is not aligned with class labels then class separation will not be achieved from the first few principle components. This is reflected in the visualization of the 2-dimensional (2D) clustering. There is clear separation of KIRC from the other cancers, but the other cancers still have significant overlap.

# PCA decomposition
n_components = 2
pca = PCA(n_components=n_components)
S_train = pca.fit_transform(X_train)
S_test = pca.transform(X_test)

# Fit model to training data
model.fit(S_train, y_train)

# Get model predictions
y_pred_train = model.predict(S_train)
y_pred_test = model.predict(S_test)
train_acc = accuracy_score(y_pred_train, y_train)
test_acc = accuracy_score(y_pred_test, y_test)

# Model prediction accuracy
print('Model performance using PCA components (# components = %d):' % (n_components))
print('  Train set:  %.4f' % (train_acc))
print('  Test set:  %.4f' % (test_acc))

>>> Model performance using PCA components (# components = 2):
>>>   Train set:  0.7300
>>>   Test set:  0.7132

# Plot PCA components of samples in 2D space
color_list = ['deeppink', 'dodgerblue', 'lightseagreen', 'darkorange', 'mediumorchid']
marker_list = ['*', 'o', 's', '^', 'D']
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6.0, 4.5))
for i, label in enumerate(list(np.unique(y_test))):
    ax1.scatter(S_test[np.where(y_test==label), 0], S_test[np.where(y_test==label), 1],
                c=color_list[i], marker=marker_list[i], alpha=0.5, label=class_dict[i])
ax1.set_xlabel('PCA Component 1')
ax1.set_ylabel('PCA Component 2')
ax1.legend(loc='lower right')
gene expression PCA clustering

Now, instead of PCA, SAPCA is used to find components that, in addition to maximizing the explained variance of the data, find components that have greater fidelity to class labels. Ideally, this will help separate the different clusters of the gene expression data.

Like scikit-learn’s PCA implementation, SAPCA models are fit using the fit() and fit_transform() methods, with fit_transform() returning a matrix of components or factors. The fit() and fit_transform() methods of AugmentedPCA models require both a primary data matrix X and an augmenting data matrix Y as parameters. For SAPCA models, the augmenting data is the supervision data matrix Y. In this case, this matrix corresponds to the matrix of one-hot encoded class labels.

AugmentedPCA models have a tuning parameter mu, which represents the relative strength of the augmenting objective. At lower values of mu, AugmentedPCA models will prioritize maximizing explained variance in learned components, and this will produce components similar to that produced by regular PCA. At higher values of mu, the augmenting objective is prioritized. Here, since SAPCA is being used, at higher mu values the components will have greater clustering according to class.

Since SAPCA has a tuning hyperparameter, we can do a search over the supervision strength space. The magnitude of this value will depend on the dataset, the scale of the features, and the dimensionality of the features. Here, a supervision strength in the thousands is reasonable. For a smaller number of features, these values may be much too large.

AugmentedPCA models offer multiple “approximate inference strategies.” For supervised applications of AugmentedPCA, it’s recommended one often chooses the ‘encoded’ option, as done below. Essentially, this ensures that the model doesn’t need to use the supervision data at test time to create components and instead only relies upon the variance explained in the features or primary data matrix X.

# Number of SAPCA components
n_components = 2

# List of supervision strength values
mu_lo = 0.0
mu_hi = 5000
mu_step = 100.0
mu_list = list(np.arange(mu_lo, mu_hi + mu_step, mu_step))

# Initialize test accuracy list
train_acc_list = []
test_acc_list = []

# Iterate over supervision strengths
for mu in mu_list:
    # PCA decomposition
    sapca = SAPCA(n_components=2, mu=mu, inference='encoded')
    S_train = sapca.fit_transform(X=X_train, Y=Y_train)
    S_test = sapca.transform(X=X_test, Y=None)

    # Fit model to training data
    model.fit(S_train, y_train)

    # Predict on training data
    y_pred_train = model.predict(S_train)
    train_acc = accuracy_score(y_pred_train, y_train)

    # Predict on test data
    y_pred_test = model.predict(S_test)
    test_acc = accuracy_score(y_pred_test, y_test)

# Model prediction accuracy
print('Max model performance using SAPCA components (# components = %d):' % (n_components))
print('  Train set:  %.4f' % (np.max(train_acc_list)))
print('  Test set:  %.4f' % (np.max(test_acc_list)))

>>> Max model performance using SAPCA components (# components = 2):
>>>   Train set:  1.0000
>>>   Test set:  0.9027

# Plot model performance as a function of adversary strength
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8.0, 3.8))
ax2.plot(mu_list, train_acc_list, c='orangered', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7, label='train acc.')
ax2.scatter(mu_list[0], train_acc_list[0], c='orangered', alpha=0.7)
ax2.plot(mu_list, test_acc_list, c='dodgerblue', alpha=0.7, label='test acc.')
ax2.scatter(mu_list[0], test_acc_list[0], c='dodgerblue', alpha=0.7)
ax2.set_xlabel('Supervision Strength $\mu$')
ax2.set_ylabel('Classification Accuracy')
ax2.legend(loc='lower right')
gene expression classification

Finally, SAPCA components are visualized in 2D space. There is much greater separation/clustering according to class, which demonstrates that SAPCA successfully learned components that both a) maximized explain variance of the original gene expression data in learned components and b) made sure these components also had greater fidelity with respects to class labels, thus ensuring cleaner clustering according to tumor type.

# SAPCA decomposition
sapca = SAPCA(n_components=2, mu=2500, inference='encoded')
S_train = sapca.fit_transform(X=X_train, Y=Y_train)
S_test = sapca.transform(X=X_test, Y=None)

# Plot PCA components of samples in 2D space
color_list = ['deeppink', 'dodgerblue', 'lightseagreen', 'darkorange', 'mediumorchid']
marker_list = ['*', 'o', 's', '^', 'D']
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6.0, 4.5))
for i, label in enumerate(list(np.unique(y_test))):
    ax3.scatter(S_test[np.where(y_test==label), 0], S_test[np.where(y_test==label), 1],
                c=color_list[i], marker=marker_list[i], alpha=0.5, label=class_dict[i])
ax3.set_xlabel('SAPCA Component 1')
ax3.set_ylabel('SAPCA Component 2')
ax3.legend(loc='lower left')
gene expression SAPCA clustering

AAPCA Example - Removal of Image Nuisance

The ability of AAPCA to create representations invariant to concomitant data or nuisance variables is demonstrated using images from the Extended Yale Face Database B. This dataset contains facial images of 38 human subjects taken with the light source at varying angles of azimuth and elevation, resulting in shadows cast across subject faces. Here, the nuisance variable is the variable lighting angles resulting in shadows that obscure parts of the image, and by extension features of subject identity. Here, AAPCA is used to create representations that, in addition to representing the variance in the image data, are invariant to this shadow nuisance variable.

First, Python functions, modules, and libraries used in this example are imported.

# Import functions, modules, and libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

Next, AugmentedPCA factor models are imported from the apca.models module.

# Import all AugmentedPCA models
from apca.models import *

For this example, a subset of 411 images is selected in which only azimuth of the light source is varied (elevation remains at a neutral 0 degrees above horizontal) and azimuth angle is not greater than 95 degrees in either direction (this avoids angles that result in shadows that completely obscure features of a subject’s identity). Images are downsampled to 0.25 their original resolution, resulting in images of size 42x48.

Facial images are loaded and formatted into a matrix X, where each row represents a flattened image vector, each column represents a pixel in the image, and an entry in X is a pixel intensity for a given image. This results in a primary data matrix X of size 411x2016. Concomitant data is the azimuth angle of the light source, resulting in a concomitant data matrix Y of size 411x1. Labels are stored in an array and images are assigned an integer label 0, 1, …, 37.

# Display dataset dimensions
print('Yale face dataset dimensions:')
print('  X shape:  (%d, %d)' % (X.shape))
print('  Y shape:  (%d, %d)' % (Y.shape))
print('  labels shape:  (%d,)' % (labels_id.shape))

>>> Yale face dataset dimensions:
>>>   X shape:  (411, 2016)
>>>   Y shape:  (411, 1)
>>>   labels shape:  (411,)

Next, scikit-learn’s train_test_split() function is used to split the data into train and test splits (roughly 50% and 50% of the data, respectively). Training image data is scaled to be between 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 255. Then, test image data is scaled according to the population statistics of the training data. Concomitant data is scaled similarly, such that the training concomitant data is scaled to be between and then test concomitant data is scaled according to the population statistics of the training concomitant data.

# Range scaler object
class RangeScaler():
    # Instantiation method
    def __init__(self, feature_range=(0, 1), copy=True):
        # Assign attributes
        self.feature_range = feature_range
        self.copy = copy
        self.data_min_ = None
        self.data_max_ = None
        self.data_mean_ = None
        self.data_scaled_mean_ = None

    # Fit method
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        # Extract data min, max, and mean
        self.data_min_ = np.min(X)
        self.data_max_ = np.max(X)
        self.data_mean_ = np.mean(X)

    # Transform method
    def transform(self, X):
        # Deep copy of data
        if self.copy:
            X = X.copy()

        # Scale data to be between 0 and 1
        X_scaled = (X - self.data_min_) / (self.data_max_ - self.data_min_)
        X_scaled = (X_scaled * (self.feature_range[1] - self.feature_range[0])) + self.feature_range[0]
        self.data_scaled_mean_ = np.mean(X_scaled)

        # Return scaled data
        return X_scaled

    # Fit-transform method
    def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
        X_scaled = self.transform(X)
        return X_scaled

    # Inverse transform method
    def inverse_transform(self, X, y=None):
        # Deep copy of data
        if self.copy:
            X = X.copy()

        # Scale data back to original feature range
        X = (X - self.feature_range[0]) / (self.feature_range[1] - self.feature_range[0])
        X = (X * (self.data_max_ - self.data_min_)) + self.data_min_

        # Return inverse-transformed data
        return X

# Split data
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, labels_id_train, labels_id_test, \
labels_shadow_train, labels_shadow_test = train_test_split(X,

# Display split details
print('Test/train split details:')
print('  Training samples:  %d' % (X_train.shape[0]))
print('  Test samples:  %d' % (X_test.shape[0]))

>>> Test/train split details:
>>>   Training samples:  206
>>>   Test samples:  206

# Instantiate scaler objects
feature_range = (0, 1)
scaler_X = RangeScaler(feature_range=feature_range, copy=True)
scaler_Y = RangeScaler(feature_range=feature_range, copy=True)

# Scale primary data to between 0 and 1
X_train_scaled = scaler_X.fit_transform(X=X_train)
X_test_scaled = scaler_X.transform(X=X_test)

# Scale concomitant data to between 0 and 1
Y_train_scaled = scaler_Y.fit_transform(X=Y_train)
Y_test_scaled = scaler_Y.transform(X=Y_test)

Now, AAPCA is used to find components that, in addition to maximizing the explained variance of the image data, find components that are invariant to shadow/variable lighting condition. Ideally, this will help remove this confound and ultimately improve classification performance with respects to classifying identity.

Like scikit-learn’s PCA implementation, AAPCA models are fit using the fit() and fit_transform() methods, with fit_transform() returning a matrix of components or factors. The fit() and fit_transform() methods of AugmentedPCA models require both a primary data matrix X and an augmenting data matrix Y as parameters. For AAPCA models, the augmenting data is the concomitant data matrix Y. In this case, this matrix corresponds to the matrix of scaled azimuth lighting angles.

AugmentedPCA models have a tuning parameter mu, which represents the relative strength of the augmenting objective. At lower values of mu, AugmentedPCA models will prioritize maximizing explained variance in learned components, and this will produce components similar to that produced by regular PCA. At higher values of mu, the augmenting objective is prioritized. Here, since AAPCA is being used, at higher mu values the components will have greater invariance to the shadow confound.

Since AAPCA has a tuning hyperparameter, we can do a search over the supervision strength space. The magnitude of this value will depend on the dataset, the scale of the features, and the dimensionality of the features. Here, a supervision strength in the thousands is reasonable. For a smaller number of features, these values may be much too large.

AugmentedPCA models offer multiple “approximate inference strategies.” For adversarial applications of AugmentedPCA, the ‘local’ option is commonly chosen, as done below. This is because typically one has access to both primary data and concomitant data at test time.

# Number of components
n_components = 100

# Adversary strength list
mu_lo = 0.0
mu_hi = 16000.0
mu_step = 500.0
mu_list = list(np.arange(mu_lo, mu_hi + mu_step, mu_step))

# Initialize and instantiate
scaler_S = StandardScaler()
model = LogisticRegression(penalty='none',
id_train_acc_list = []
id_test_acc_list = []
shadow_train_acc_list = []
shadow_test_acc_list = []

# Data prediction
model.fit(X_train_scaled, labels_id_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test_scaled)
test_acc = accuracy_score(y_true=labels_id_test, y_pred=y_pred)
print('Logistic regression on orginal image data:  %.3f' % (test_acc))

>>> Logistic regression classification peformance on orginal image data:  0.636

# Iterate over increasing adversary strengths
for mu in tqdm(mu_list):
    # Instantiate AugmentedPCA model with new adversary strength value
    aapca = AAPCA(n_components=n_components, mu=mu, inference='joint')

    # Decompose with AugmentedPCA
    S_train = aapca.fit_transform(X=X_train_scaled, Y=Y_train_scaled)
    S_test = aapca.transform(X=X_test_scaled, Y=Y_test_scaled)
    S_train_scaled = scaler_S.fit_transform(S_train)
    S_test_scaled = scaler_S.transform(S_test)

    # Predict ID
    model.fit(S_train_scaled, labels_id_train)
    y_pred_train = model.predict(S_train_scaled)
    train_acc = accuracy_score(y_true=labels_id_train, y_pred=y_pred_train)
    y_pred_test = model.predict(S_test_scaled)
    test_acc = accuracy_score(y_true=labels_id_test, y_pred=y_pred_test)

    # Predict shadow location
    no_shadow_idx_train = np.where(labels_shadow_train!=0.5)[0].ravel()
    no_shadow_idx_test = np.where(labels_shadow_test!=0.5)[0].ravel()
    model.fit(S_train_scaled[no_shadow_idx_train, :],
    y_pred_train = model.predict(S_train_scaled[no_shadow_idx_train, :])
    train_acc = accuracy_score(y_true=labels_shadow_train[no_shadow_idx_train],
    y_pred_test = model.predict(S_test_scaled[no_shadow_idx_test, :])
    test_acc = accuracy_score(y_true=labels_shadow_test[no_shadow_idx_test],

# Display baseline PCA accuracy and max AugmentedPCA accuracy
print('Logistic regression classification performance:')
print('  ID classification:')
print('    PCA components:  %.3f' % (id_test_acc_list[0]))
print('    AAPCA components (max acc.):  %.3f\n' % (np.max(id_test_acc_list)))
print('  Shadow location (left/right) classification:')
print('    PCA components:  %.3f' % (shadow_test_acc_list[0]))
print('    AAPCA components (min acc.):  %.3f\n' % (np.min(shadow_test_acc_list)))

>>> Logistic regression classification performance:
>>>   ID classification:
>>>     PCA components:  0.704
>>>     AAPCA components (max acc.):  0.825
>>>   Shadow location (left/right) classification:
>>>     PCA components:  0.979
>>>     AAPCA components (min acc.):  0.656

Model performance when using shadow-invariant AAPCA components to classify identity and shadow location as a function of adversary strength is now plotted. As the adversarial strength is increased, both training and test set classification accuracy of the nuisance variable (shadow location) decreases. For all adversary strengths, training set identity classification is 100%. Initially, training on PCA representations results in a test set identity classification accuracy of 70%. As adversary strength is increased, test set identity classification accuracy increases to 82%, thus demonstrating the ability of AAPCA to mitigate the effects of domain shift due to concomitant influence.

# Plot accuracy as a function of adversary strength
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8.0, 3.8))
ax1.plot(mu_list, id_train_acc_list, c='blue', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6, label='identity train acc.')
ax1.scatter(mu_list[0], id_train_acc_list[0], c='blue', alpha=0.6)
ax1.plot(mu_list, id_test_acc_list, c='blue', linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, label='identity test acc.')
ax1.scatter(mu_list[0], id_test_acc_list[0], c='blue', alpha=0.6)
ax1.plot(mu_list, shadow_train_acc_list, c='red', linestyle='--', alpha=0.6, label='shadow location train acc.')
ax1.scatter(mu_list[0], shadow_train_acc_list[0], c='red', alpha=0.6)
ax1.plot(mu_list, shadow_test_acc_list, c='red', linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, label='shadow location test acc.')
ax1.scatter(mu_list[0], shadow_test_acc_list[0], c='red', alpha=0.6)
ax1.set_xticks([0, 4000, 8000, 12000, 16000])
ax1.set_yticks([0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00])
ax1.set_title('Identity Classification')
ax1.set_xlabel('Adversary Strength $\mu$')
ax1.set_ylabel('Test Accuracy')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.94))
Yale Face dataset identity and shadow location classification

Since AugmentedPCA models are linear factor models similar to PCA, both the primary and concomitant data can be reconstructed from the generated components. AugmentedPCA models have a reconstruct() method that returns the reconstructed primary and concomitant data. For this example, the shadow-invariant images reconstructed from AAPCA components are visualized and compare these images to the original images as well as images recontructed from regular PCA components. AAPCA reconstructions display notice-able shadow removal when compared to the original images and images reconstructed from PCA components. This demonstrates AAPCA’s ability to produce nuisance-invariant representations.

Yale Face dataset image reconstructions

Finally, clustering of AAPCA-reconstructed images is compared to clustering of PCA-reconstructed images. PCA reconstructions are grouped almost exclusively according to shadow location (left-side or right-side) in 2D space, while AAPCA-reconstructed images are grouped in a more shadow-invariant manner.

Yale Face dataset image reconstruction t-SNE clustering